Luggers, Load Lugger, Lugger Trucks Hamilton, Ontario Canada

“Durable and Dependable” is what our customers tell us best describes JT Fabrications Lugger, Load Lugger and Lugger Trucks.

The demands placed on Luggers are huge and safety is of the utmost importance. Given our extensive back grounds in the Design, Manufacturing and Maintenance of these specialty containers, JT Fabrications is uniquely equipped to support your company by producing the highest quality Luggers available on the market.

Does your current fleet of containers need repair? Give us a call and bring them by our shop. We have the tooling, equipment, supplies and personnel available to repair them quickly and get you back on the road.

Specifications On Standard Boxes

  • All 3/16 plate construction
  • 3” channels on 12 yards, 4” channels on 20 yards
  • Lugs mounted through channels and plates with gusset plate
  • Angle reinforcement on floor and dump plates
  • 1 2” drain plug on 12 yards, 2 on 20 yards
    “Wrapped” corner construction
  • Primed and painted the colour of your choice

Popular Options

  • Additional drain holes and plugs
  • Stencilling As Required
  • Welded Serial Numbers

**Please Inquire With Your Custom Designs On Your Lugger Box Needs .**

We Can Satisfy Your Custom Requirements